It’s almost Father’s Day.
It’s almost Father’s Day.
Will I pop into your mind? Maybe when you are drinking a beer with your father you will think of me. Or maybe it’s more than that, maybe you stay up late at night wondering who in the world I am.
It’s almost Father’s Day.
You don’t know how this will ever feel for me do you? To go through each and every Father’s Day in misery because all I can think of is what you are doing every second of everyday.
It’s almost Father’s day.
Do you know what you are missing out on? I’m a great kid, I really, really, am. Despite having been created by a man that left without a trace, I am able to stand here strong enough to type this. Maybe that’s stronger than you’ll ever be.
It’s almost Father’s Day.
And I should be thanking my single mother, who does the job of 2 and works multiple jobs to get us by on this day, but instead I think of you.
It’s almost Father’s Day.
This really sucks now, because the more I write about Father’s Day, the more I think of you.
It’s almost Father’s Day this time,
and I actually have found you through google by typing in your information. This is the first time I know your name on this day. Of course, I always think about messaging you on Facebook or something, but that would be wrong. This year it’s almost Father’s Day, and I know that even though you are my biological father, you never wanted me to find out who you were all along, so I’ll stay quiet.
So this year it’s almost Father’s Day, and I will be thinking of you more than ever. I genuinely hope your day is great, even though mine will be living hell.