Photography project on Anonymous Parenting

Submitted on: February 8, 2018

My name is Holly and I’m a final year Photography student at the University for the Creative Arts in Surrey, UK.

For my final year project, I am hoping to portray the feeling and emotions those who are donor conceived may feel about their situation through conceptual photography, in hopes of raising awareness about emotional implications donor conception may have on the child.

I am looking for anyone who would be interested in participating in this project with me, the idea is basically to give you (after all, YOU are the experts on your own lives) the chance to bring up your own topics that you believe are important when thinking about anonymity and openness in donation.

Please contact me at or 07852491042 should you be interested in my project, wish to participate or just would like to receive more information before you make up your mind – it would be lovely to chat with you!
